“I have always loved understanding people and helping them develop.”

This is my story.

Steps as a people leader.

In 2019 I was a Project Leader at a top consultancy (BCG), and had returned from one year in Australia. As I stepped back into my downtown Toronto life it all looked ideal, but it felt wrong. It was like wearing an old pair of shoes that didn't fit - increasingly uncomfortable. My usual indicators (job performance, travel, income) were great so it was hard to see, but I was living someone else's definition of success and I was lost.

With help from friends, mentors, therapist, coach, and journal, I explored who I wanted to be as a leader and what made me tick. The business problems I was solving with clients felt intellectually stimulating but not always fulfilling. What energized me? Helping my teams and clients grow! I saw the links: university courses in psychology, jobs instructing anything from swimming to circus arts, founding an analytics support squad… I have always loved understanding people and helping them develop.

Strides towards coaching.

Luckily, BCG had a rotation program where leaders could coach other teams. I became a team coach in March 2020 - as the world entered COVID lockdown. I coached 100+ individuals on 10+ teams through the challenges of a high-performance professional environment, with one bonus challenge: a pandemic. It was all virtual, and it was hard. But it felt right. I learned a ton about people and about myself, and returned to my Project Leader role wondering how my coaching journey might continue.

Mid-pandemic, my Toronto living situation suddenly changed. For years I’d been hearing the call of the mountains, so I took this opportunity and moved to BC, almost overnight. In BC, I took a 2-month leave from work to: hike, read, meditate, work through personal barriers, and find my core values. I also designed and completed a 5-day solo retreat at a cabin 500km North of Vancouver. At the end of it all, I had never felt so connected with myself, with others, and with nature.

BCG soon created its first permanent team coach role. I interviewed and got it - I was elated! Over 2021 I supported 25+ teams as a coach, shaped our team effectiveness program, trained tens of rotational coaches, and onboarded three permanent coaches. My relationship with coaching transformed - from a familiar toolkit I could deploy to great effect, to an inner practice I could hone and share to promote growth. After that year I knew it was time to move on. I craved the space to shape myself as a coach and had a long-standing entrepreneurial itch to scratch.

Alex running training for new hires

Running with newfound purpose.

By early 2022 I got certified, and returned to Ontario (Bracebridge - closer to nature) to start my own practice.

Now, I partner with inspiring leaders to create a future they dream of - for themselves and for the world.

If my coaching story, personal facts, or any other part of this website resonates with you, please reach out.
I would love to get to know you and explore what might be possible for you.

Unsure where to start?


I heard my first powerful coaching question at an info session in 2019:

"What do you want more of in your life?"

My first answer was “unstructured time” and I’m grateful to now have been able to create that in my life. If this question sparks anything for you, I would love to find some time to explore that together.